The Bookplate Journal has been issued by the Society since 1983. Its initial launch was made possible thanks to a modest surplus from running the XIX International Ex-libris Congress at Keble College, Oxford in 1982. After twenty volumes (forty issues) had appeared, a new editor, Paul Latcham, created a successful, enlarged format in 2003. Covers of the whole run to date are pictured below, but we can supply only about half of the First Series, and there is one of the Second Series that is no longer available (September 2003).

Here in these volumes of The Bookplate Journal has been assembled, over the years, a huge body of information about British and other bookplates. The well-researched, scholarly articles remain, for the most part, as valid now as at the time they were written, and we owe a debt of gratitude to the authors and editors whose considerable efforts are represented here. The first four volumes were edited by Professor William E. Butler, Brian North Lee produced the next five issues before the two of them alternated as editor. From 1994 to the end of 1998, Lee edited the March issue and John Blatchly the September one. The last eight numbers of the First Series were again under Lee's supervision. Paul Latcham was not only editor 2003-2008 but also did the page make-up. John Blatchly stepped in for the March 2009 issue before Peter Youatt took on the editorial role from September 2009 for eight years. The Society now has a rotating editorship amongst members of an Editorial Board.

Whether you are new to the subject of bookplates or have had a longstanding interest, if you are lacking back issues then it is greatly worth acquiring these. Prices for back issues of our journal have been unchanged for a number of years, so an increase may be expected before long. As stocks dwindle, availability is another good reason for not delaying in ordering back issues, and thirdly a small discount is offered on an order in quantity.
Write now to enquire.
You can view the covers at larger size by clicking on the images. Additional to what is noted below, these journals contain editorials, plus bookplate queries and answers.

  Vol 1 No 1 (March 1983):     Lettering on Bookplates, by David Kindersley; Geometrical Typographic Bookplate Design, by Hellmuth Weissenborn; Reflections on Disposing of Bookplate Collections, by W. E. Butler; A Memoir of C.W. Sherborn, by R.H.R. Brocklebank; Mark Severin; The Willen Library, by B.N. Lee; The Bookplates of Philip Hagreen, reviewed by D.H. Knott.

Vol 1 No 2 (September 1983):     Contemporary Trends in Bookplate Design, by Gerard Gaudaen; The Adventure of the Arthur Conan Doyle Bookplate, by Stanley Wertheim; John Keyse Sherwin, by B.N. Lee; Profile of an Artist: Joan Hassall; Portrait of a Bookplate: Unrecorded Dobuzhinskii Design; Bookplate Bibliography: In Search of the Ideal Reference Tools, by W.E. Butler.

  Vol 2 No 1 (March 1984):     The Early Bookplates of Paul Nash, by Clare Colvin; Bookplates of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, by Benoit Junod; Bookplate Design and Chinese Armorial Porcelain, by David S. Howard; Profile of an Artist: Will Carter; Portrait of a Bookplate: C. Ward and R. Chandler; The Ex-Libris of Simon Brett, reviewed by Lesley Weissenborn.

Vol 2 No 2 (September 1984):     Printing Processes for Bookplates: A Critique, by Otto M. Lilien; Heraldry and Bookplates, by Colin R. Lattimore; Theatrical Bookplates in the Tenin Collection, by E.I. Makedonskaia; Profile of an Artist: Gerald Cobb; Portrait of a Bookplate: Louis Michaud; J.A.C. Harrison. Artist & Engraver, reviewed by Mark Severin.

  Vol 3 No 1 (March 1985):     The Bookplates of Alfred Cossmann, by Heinrich R. Scheffer; Bookplate Collections in Swedish Public Institutions, by Benoit Junod; The Bookplate Designs of John R. Biggs, by W.E. Butler; Profile of an Artist: Richard Shirley Smith; Portrait of a Bookplate Reg Butler; Michel Fingesten Das graphische Werk, reviewed by W.E. Butler.

Vol 3 No 2 (September 1985):     Russian Royal Bookplates, by W.E. Butler and G.K. Pavlova; The Bookplates of Serjeants at Law, by J.H. Baker; A Visit to Philip Hagreen, by Brian North Lee; Profile of an Artist: Philip Hagreen; Portrait of a Bookplate: King Carl XVI Gustaf; Lietuvos knygos zenklai, 1518-1918, reviewed by V.E. Vengris.

  Vol 4 No 1 (March 1986):     William Bell Scott's Place in Bookplate History, by Brian North Lee; Bookplate Collecting in Japan, by C. Parfit; Katazome Bookplates, by W.E.Butler; Profile of an Artist: Diana Bloomfield; Portrait of a Bookplate: Daniel and Thomas Bellamy; Dictionary of Victorian Wood Engravers, reviewed by W.E. Butler.

Vol 4 No 2 (September 1986):     The Bookplate Legacy of Jacques Hnizdovsky, by W.E. Butler; Dante and His Divine Comedy on Bookplates, by E.I. Makedonskaia; The Bookplate Designs of E.M. Lilien, by Otto M. Lilien; Pravoslav Sovák as a Bookplate Designer, by Gon Jansen; Profile of an Artist: Henry Wilkinson; Portrait of a Bookplate: Dennis Yates Wheatley; Alexandre de Riquer I L'Exlibrisme, reviewed by W.E. Butler.

  Vol 5 No 1 (March 1987):     The Bookplates of Robert Austin, by Brian North Lee; Some Bookplates in York Minster Library, by Torn Young; Profile of an Artist: Leslie Benenson; Portrait of a Bookplate: Carl Gustav Jung; Bookplates in the News, 1970-1985, reviewed by by Brian North Lee.

Vol 5 No 2 (September 1987):     Augmentations of Honour on Armorial Bookplates, by Peter Allpress; Profile of an Artist: David Kindersley; Portrait of a Bookplate: Elkan Nathan Adler; The Engraved Bookplates of Eric Gill 1908-1940, reviewed by Brian North Lee.

  Vol 6 No 1 (March 1988):     Andrew White Tuer and his bookplates, by J.P.T. Bury; Simon Gribelin, by Brian North Lee; Profile of an Artist: Sarah van Niekerk; Portrait of a Bookplate: T. Espin; The Bookplates of Robert Hancock, James Ross and William Bache, reviewed by by Henry Sandon.

Vol 6 No 2 (September 1988):     The bookplates and libraries of the Counts Sheremetev, by E.I. Makedonskaia; The bookplates of Ern Hill, by Brian and Stephanie Schofield; Profile of an Artist: Hilary Paynter; Portrait of a Bookplate: Herefordshire Female Servants' Reward Society; Bookplates containing augmentations; Ex-Libris o el arte de identificar sus libros 1470-1988, reviewed by by Brian North Lee.

  Vol 7 No 1 (March 1989):     John Duke Coleridge and his bookplates, by S.R. and Brian North Lee; Manuscript Ex-Libris, by Brian North Lee; The bookplates of Nora S. Unwin, R.E., N.A., by William E. Butler; Profile of an Artist: Simon Brett; Portrait of a Bookplate: Peter Muilman; Bibliografia Italiana dell'ex-libris, con il patrocinio dell'Accademia dell'ex-libris: L'ex-libris, Amor di Libro, Ieri e Oggi, reviewed by Felicita Pask-Hughes.

Vol 7 No 2 (September 1989):     Thomas Bewick and Russia, by W.E. Butler; Mongolian Bookplates, by S. Jambaldorj and Sh. Chuluunbaatar; Profile of an Artist: Anne Jope; Profile of a Bookplate: Maximilian and Sofia Percy-Ffrench; Some Recollections of a Bookplate Collector, reviewed by W.E. Butler; L'Exlibris: Histoire, Art, Techniques, reviewed by Darlene J. Butler.

  Vol 8 No 1 (March 1990):     Bookplates at Oscott College, Birmingham, by Brian North Lee; Orders of Chivalry and Decorations depicted on bookplates, by Peter Allpress; Profile of an Artist: Reg Boulton; Portrait of a Bookplate: Robert Reid; In Memoriam: Darlene Butler.

Vol 8 No 2 (September 1990):     Bookplates by Douglas Percy Bliss, by W.E. Butler; Dorothea Braby and Her Bookplates, by Brian North Lee; Scissors and Paste, by Wilbur Macey Stone; Bookplate Designs by Beresford Egan, by W.E. Butler; Profile of an Artist: Stanley Reece; Portrait of a Bookplate: Theophilus Lindsey Bequest Label; Catalogo de Ex Libris de Biblioteca Espanolas, reviewed by by Paul Latcham.

  Vol 9 No 1 (March 1991):     Bookplate designs by Wilfred Fairclough, by Ian Lowe; The bookplates of Ezekiel Abraham Ezekiel of Exeter, by Brian North Lee; Profile of an Artist: Claire Dalby; Portrait of a Bookplate: The Ipswich Library; The Typographic Bookplates of Ward Ritchie, reviewed by Brian North Lee.

Vol 9 No 2 (September 1991):     Premium Bookplates of Trinity College, Dublin, by Brian North Lee; The Libraries and Bookplates of the Princes Volkonskii, by E.I. Makedonskaia; Profile of an Artist: Oriol Bath; Portrait of a Bookplate: Marie de Balmain; Exlibris in Büchern der Bibliothek der Universität Konstanz, reviewed by W.E. Butler.

  Vol 10 No 1 (March 1992):     Arthur Robertson: An excursion in pursuit of an elusive bookplate artist, by Brian North Lee; Prices. . . prices. . . , by Benoit Junod; Profile of an Artist: John Lawrence; Portrait of a Bookplate: St Martin's School, York; British Royal Bookplates, reviewed by James L. Wilson.

Vol 10 No 2 (September 1992):     The bookplates of William Darling and John Peter Thompson, Part I, by Brian North Lee; Some Ipswich bookplates and book labels, by John Blatchly; Profile of an Artist: Frank Martin; Portrait of a Bookplate: Haile Sellassie; Musikalisches im exlibris, reviewed by Bryan Welch.

  Vol 11 No 1 (March 1993):     The bookplates of William Darling and John Peter Thompson, Part II, by Brian North Lee; Tranquillo Marangoni, Wood Engraver, by Virgilio Tramontin; Profile of an Artist: Jonathan Stephenson; Portrait of a Bookplate: Edward King; Medicina e Arte nelle Scienze Biomediche, and Tangier Bookplates: both reviewed by Bryan Welch; Die Exlibris des Emil Orlik, reviewed by Brian North Lee.

Vol 11 No 2 (September 1993):     The bookplates of William Henshaw, Part I, by Brian North Lee; The wood engraved bookplates of Marion Rice, by John Blatchly; A bookplate collector's reminiscences, by James Wilson; Portrait of a bookplate: Archibald Simpson; Profile of an Artist: Michael Renton.

  Vol 12 No 1 (March 1994):     The bookplates of William Henshaw, Part II, by Brian North Lee; Gordon Macpherson's bookplate designs, by Sir Ilay Campbell of Succoth, Bt; A gardener's collection, by Amoret Tanner; Portrait of a bookplate: Bernard Barton; Profile of an Artist: Jeffery Matthews.

Vol 12 No 2 (September 1994):     Bookplates engraved by Michael Burghers, Part I, by Brian North Lee; The Ex-libris of Denis Tegetmeier, by John Blatchly; Portrait of a Bookplate: John Conyers; Profile of an Artist: Peter Reddick; Ex Libris by Shin Taga, 1973-1992: Review by Bryan Welch; Don Quixote on Ex-libris, reviewed by Paul Latcham.

  Vol 13 No 1 (March 1995):     The bookplate designs of Jessie M. King, by Colin White; Bookplates engraved by Michael Burghers, Part II, by Brian North Lee; Portrait of a Bookplate: Phiroze K. Randeria; Profile of an Artist: Ron Smith; Marshal Tito's bookplate, by Benoît Junod.

Vol 13 No 2 (September 1995):     Naval History in Bookplates, Part I, by Peter Allpress; The Ex-Libris of Robert Gibbings, by John Blatchly; Archbishop Bruno Bernard Heim's Bookplate Designs, by Brian North Lee; Bookplate International, reviewed by Anthony Pincott.

  Vol 14 No 1 (March 1996):     Printers', stationers' and ex-libris labels, by John Lewis; The bookplates of Edward Ardizzone, by Colin White; Naval history in bookplates, Part II, by Peter Allpress; Profile of an artist: Rosalind Bliss; Orlando Jewitt, reviewed by James Wilson.

Vol 14 No 2 (September 1996):     Portrait of a bookplate: Dr William Stukeley; Old friends, old books, old wines, by Brian North Lee; Bookplate designs by Edith Anne Greene, by Stephanie Schofield; Armorials by Dennis Endean Ivall, by Sir Ilay Campbell of Succoth, Bt; The World of Ex-libris Catalogues, reviewed by Bryan Welch.

  Vol 15 No 1 (March 1997):     The bookplates of William Nicholson, by Colin Campbell; A bookplate by Cyril Davenport, by Brion Purdey; The wood engraved bookplates of Lucien and Esther Pissarro, by John Blatchly and John Bensusan-Butt; Japanese Ex-Libris: a Historical Survey, by Cliff Parfit.

Vol 15 No 2 (September 1997):     Barlow's Kentish Pictorial-Armorials, by John Blatchly and Brian North Lee; Trade Cards and Bookplates, by John R. Miliburn; The Bookplates of Dora Carrington, by Jane Hill; Portrait of a Bookplate: Amice Calverley; Ex libris, by Hasip Pektas, reviewed by Benoît Junod; Addenda: Naval History & Paul Nash.

  Vol 16 No 1 (March 1998):     The wood engraved bookplates of Thomas Sturge Moore, by John Blatchly; Some macabre bookplates, by Brian North Lee; Bookplates from F. Osborne & Co. Ltd, latterly Wauthier Osborne Guild Ltd, with particular reference to Herbert Francis Wauthier, by Paul T. Presswell; Portrait of a bookplate: St Elisabeth of Russia.

Vol 16 No 2 (September 1998):     Bookplates by Thomas Willement, by John Blatchly; The Bookplates of Gwen Raverat, by L.M. Newman; Profile of an Artist: Mark Bury; Portrait of a Bookplate: John Campbell; Miscellanea.

  Vol 17 No 1 (March 1999):     Bookplates by Elizabeth Friedlander, by Pauline Paucker; Some Bonaparte, Murat and Leuchtenberg bookplates, by Brian North Lee; Portrait of a bookplate: John Rutter; The bookplates of William Haskoll, by Graham Mackay.

Vol 17 No 2 (September 1999):     The George Heath Viner Collection in the British Museum Print Room - Bookplates by Artists, Stephanie and Brian Schofield.
[This is a listing of bookplates present in the part of the Viner Collection that is devoted to work by post-1890 artists and designers].

  Vol 18 No 1 (March 2000):     The Bookplates of Aubrey Beardsley, by Mark Samuels Lasner; Two eighteenth century clan chiefs and their bookplates, by Sir Ilay Campbell of Succoth, Bart; Military history in bookplates: Indian campaigns, by Peter Allpress; Bookplates by William, Isaac and James Taylor, by Brian North Lee; Profile of an artist: Timothy Noad.

Vol 18 No 2 (September 2000):     Edmund Dulac his bookplate designs, by Ann Conolly Hughey; Universal ex-libris: trifles too often unconsidered, by Brian North Lee; Denis Robert Pack-Beresford's Bookplate, by Paul T. Presswell; Henry Peckitt: an early collector, by John Blatchly; Profile of a bookplate: John Comyns of Wood.

  Vol 19 No 1 (March 2001):     Bookplates by Sir Nevile Rodwell Wilkinson, by Brian Schofield and Brian North Lee; Bank B. Gordon Bookplates, by Edith Anderson Rights; Profile of an artist: Graham Rust; Portrait of a bookplate - The Charles Garrett Memorial Bookplate; Bishop John Hall and Dr. Charles Sloper: Benefactors, by Brian North Lee; In memoriam: Stephanie Schofield, by Colin Lattimore.

Vol 19 No 2 (September 2001):     Bookplates engraved by Francesco Bartolozzi, by John Blatchly; Bookplates by George Mackley and Monica Poole, by Brian North Lee; The Bookplates of Richard Mountaine, Part I, by Graham Mackay; Three Bulgarian Royal Bookplates, by Brian North Lee.

  Vol 20 No 1 (March 2002):     Some Rothschild Bookplates, by Brian North Lee; The Bookplates of Richard Mountaine, Part II, by Graham Mackay; Three Bookplates by Don Pottinger, by Sir Ilay Campbell of Succoth, Bart; More Bartolozzi Bookplates, by John Blatchly; Portrait of a Bookplate: The Revd. Hugh Bailye.

Vol 20 No 2 (September 2002):     Kenneth Hobson's Bookplate Designs, by Brian North Lee; John MacLeod of Colbecks, by Sir Ilay Campbell of Succoth, Bart; Bouquets from Ray and Karin from Edward Gordon Craig, by John Blatchly; Military History in Bookplates: The Crimean War and Abyssinian Campaign, by Peter Allpress.

These files record the contents of the First Series.
See the first file for Notes to Users of this Index.

    Index of Names A to D
    Index of Names E to H
    Index of Names I to P
    Index of Names Q to Z
    Index of Author and Title

  New Series Vol 1 No 1 (March 2003):
ARTICLES: Brian North Lee FSA - a tribute; Some Irish Jacobeans, by Brian North Lee; Welsh bookplate collectors, by Thomas Lloyd; Colonel John Bullock by T. Gainsborough RA, by Paul Latcham; J. Kirk, engraver, by John R. Millburn; Charles Atwood Kofoid and scientific book-collecting at Berkeley, by Ian Jackson; Sydney Hart Dyke 1881-1963, by Brian Schofield; Anne-Marie Mugnier-Colin, wood engraver, by Benoît Junod.
NOTES: An early painted ex-libris, by Paul Latcham; Prim and Prime, by John Blatchly; An author's bookplate, by David S. Howard; Bookplate of Angus Watson, by Paul Latcham; Appointment of Henry Yates, engraver, 1754, by John R. Millburn; A. Lazarus premiums, by James Wilson; Samuel Pepys 1633-1703, by Amoret Tanner; Gunpowder and gaiters, by John Blatchly; A few words on Maurice Baring, by Brian Schofield; An unusual charge, by Peter Allpress; The cabinet of curiosities, by Paul Latcham; Adrian Fortescue, by Brian North Lee; A memorial bookplate honouring Helen Barrett Speers, by Edith Anderson Rights; An advertisement by John Brooke, engraver, 1754, by John R. Millburn; Henry James Pye, poet laureate, and his bookplate, by Brian North Lee; 'Borrowing' ideas, by James Wilson.
REVIEWS: by Brian North Lee: Sebastian Carter, The lure of the label; by Benoît Junod: Vincent Lieber, Les Ex-libris Genevois.

  New Series Vol 1 No 2 (September 2003):
ARTICLES: Bookplates and devices by the later Craigs, by John Blatchly; William Blathwayt of Dyrham and some of his descendants, by Paul Latcham; Some bookplates by Paul Woodroffe, by Brian North Lee; The contemporary ex-libris scene, by Benoît Junod.
NOTES: An early eighteenth-century episcopal book-stamp, and John Blatchly and Thomas Lloyd; Heraldic haute couture, by Sir Ilay Campbell; Richard Barry 7th earl of Barrymore, by Brian North Lee; Westminster engravers in 1749, John R. Millburn; Death of Archbishop Bruno Heim, by Brian North Lee; The Reverend H. T. Ellacombe, by John Eisel; Badges and war cries, by Peter Allpress; Richard Browne Cheston MD FRS (1738-1815), by Anthony Pincott; Borrowing ideas, by Brian North Lee; The use and abuse of prize-books, by Ian Jackson; David Williamson, by Brian North Lee; The cabinet of curiosities, by Paul Latcham; Perseverance, by Peter Allpress; John Dreyfus and his ex-libris commissioning, by Brian North Lee; Identities in brief.

  New Series Vol 2 No 1 (March 2004):
ARTICLES: The book tickets of Miss Sarah Sophia Banks (1744-1818), by Anthony Pincott; William Austin (1721-1820), engraver, by John R. Millburn; Military history in bookplates: The battle of Waterloo, by Peter Allpress.
NOTES: Ingoldsby Barham's bookplates, by John Blatchly; Grove-White bookplate, by Patrick Grove-White; Henry Copland, engraver, his dates, by John R. Millburn; Edward VII's coronation, by Brian North Lee; The Country Houses Association, by Paul Latcham; 'Skin' and bone - Dr Sidney Vere Pearson, by Ron Fiske; A visit to Green Street, by Brian Schofield; John Innys of Redland Court, by Paul Latcham; Laurence Clarke, by Brian North Lee; J. Kirk, addenda I, by John R. Millburn; J. Kirk, addenda 2, by Paul Latcham; Sir Michael Redgrave, by James Wilson; The Afflecks and the Dolbens, by John Blatchly; A few words on Frances Mary Buss, by Brian Schofield; Identities in brief.
REVIEWS: by Brian North Lee: Edward A. Martin, A dictionary of bookplates of Irish medical doctors; by Paul Latcham: Francesc Orenes i Navarro, Els ex-libris Monsalvatje.

  New Series Vol 2 No 2 (September 2004):
ARTICLES: Some eighteenth-century woodcut or soft metal armorials, with a note on Francis Hoffman, by Brian North Lee; Bookplates of the Grey and Booth families of Dunham Massey and Enville Hall, by Edward Potten; Ever learning, ever dying, by Ian Jackson; First FISAE competition for computer-generated bookplates, 2004, by Benoît Junod.
NOTES: Thomas Andrews, by John Blatchly; An unusual charge - Crookes's radiometer, by John R Millburn; Bishop Chinnery-Haldane's bookplate by John Forbes Nixon, by Brian North Lee; Admiral D'Urban's crest and motto, by Peter Allpress; Concerning Miss Labouchere, by Brian Schofield; Arthur St George (1681-1772) , by Peter Hoare; Sir Francis Carruthers Gould, by Brian North Lee; John Frere, by John Blatchly; Cypher used by James Wathen, by Paul Latcham; Dr John Sibthorp, by Michael Whitelock; S M(arkham) armorial by J. Kirk, by Brian North Lee; A wartime library, by Brian Schofield; Francis Place, radical reformer, by Brian North Lee; A scarce bookplate by James Ross, by James Wilson and Paul Latcham; The degradation of the book-plate, by Paul Latcham; George, 9th baron of Berkeley, by John Blatchly; Lucy Berkeley, by John Blatchly; More Plank bookplates, by John Blatchly. REVIEW: Percy Neville Barnett: Australian genius with books, by Bryan Welch. OBITUARY: John Simpson, by Paul Latcham.

  New Series Vol 3 No 1 (March 2005):
ARTICLES:William Stephens, a prolific Cambridge engraver, by John Blatchly; Bookplates by Stanley Reece, by Brian North Lee; The John Simpson collection: a preview, by Paul Latcham.
NOTES: More on the Crimea, by Peter Allpress; Dr John Sibthorp, by Brian Schofield; A family group, by Brian Schofield; Robert White (c1747-1817), town clerk of Cambridge, by John Blatchly; Theophilus Desbrisay, by Paul Latcham; An anonymous Jacobean armorial for Edwards, Bart., by Brian North Lee; A strange advertisement by W.E. Goulden, by Brian North Lee; Two favourite festoon armorials, by John Blatchly; Nancy Mitford orders a bookplate, by James Wilson; Leicester Square, by Peter Allpress; Bookplates by Paul Woodroffe, by Brian North Lee; Francis Hoffman and Berkshire, by Brian North Lee; The degradation of the book-plate - the culprit identified, by Bryan Welch; An unusual charge - another state of Sir William Crookes's plate, by Bryan Welch; Bibliotheca Durdenensis, by M.W. Furlong; Concerning Miss Labouchere, by Peter Allpress.

  New Series Vol 3 No 2 (September 2005):
ARTICLES: The bookplates of the Egerton and Tatton families of Tatton Park and Wythenshawe Hall, by Edward Potten; John Dougharty of Worcester, by Brian Smith; The Trafalgar bicentenary: some relevant bookplates, by Peter Allpress; A much bookplated Irish earl, by John Blatchly; Miss Maria Jenkins: bibliophile of Clifton (1791-1858), by Anthony Pincott; An early Scottish ex-libris: Alexander Mylne and the Cambuskenneth missal, by Alastair Cherry.
NOTES: Bookplate designs for Sir John Heathcoat Heathcoat-Amory, by Ron Fiske; John Duick's bookplate, by Brian North Lee; After the sale, by Anthony Pincott; Robin Tanner: a bookplate and the naming of a private press, by Nicolas McDowall; Bookplates, lace and periwigs, by Brian Schofield; A link with Cardinal Newman, by Brian North Lee; Two more Irish Jacobeans, by Paul Latcham; 'Frozen' bookplates, by Brian North Lee; General Post Office, by Peter Allpress; The St James' Heraldic and Genealogical Office, by Brian Schofield; Judith Vanacker Sambrooke's lozenge armorial, by Brian North Lee. OBITUARY:John R. Millburn (1925-2005), by Paul Latcham.

  New Series Vol 4 No 1 (March 2006):
ARTICLES: Rare modern British ex-libris, by Brian North Lee; The Charles Hall Crouch legacy, by Brian Schofield; Bookplates of the lairds of Abercairny and their kin, by Sir Ilay Campbell of Succoth, Bt; Elegant economy: the stencilled ex-libris, by John Blatchly; The National Trust cataloguing project, by Edward Potten.
NOTES: Bookplates of Thomas Jeston White, by Peter Allpress; Robinson Duckworth in Wonderland, by Brian North Lee; Robert Hingeston: Gainsborough's Ipswich neighbour, by John Blatchly; A bookplate by Matthew Urlwin Sears, by Brian North Lee; Liberty of opinion, by John Blatchly; Cambridge triple border typographic labels, by John Blatchly; Three bookplates by F.D. Bedford, by Brian N. Lee; Two Rickinghall labels, by John Blatchly; Family bookplates, by Tim Powys-Lybbe; A gallows bookplate, by George H. Wright; The Boyle Walsingham ex-libris, by John Blatchly; The problem of gift or homage bookplates, by Brian North Lee.  REVIEW: by Benoît Junod of Dr Ilse O'Dell, Deutsche und Österreichische exlibris, 1500-1599. OBITUARY: Audrey Arellanes (1920-2005), by Brian North Lee.

  New Series Vol 4 No 2 (September 2006):
ARTICLES: Constructing modern armorials, by Daniel de Bruin; An eighteenth-century Minorcan scandal, by Paul Latcham; A selection of manuscript labels, by John Blatchly; J.A.C. Harrison's archive, by Brian North Lee; The Order of St John of Jerusalem with a note on H.W. Fincham, by Peter Allpress.
NOTES: Another Thomas Heatley gift plate dated 1700, by Paul Latcham; Fr. Lluis Maria de Pont: A Carthusian bookplate artist, by Brian North Lee; Bonouvrier Glover, by John Blatchly; Title-specific bookplates, by Edward J. Law; A few words on Garraway Rice, by Brian Schofield; Culleton, heraldic stationer, by John Blatchly; Charles John Shoppee, by John Titford; A new bookplate by Angela Lemaire, by Brian North Lee; A surrealist ex-libris by Hans Bellmer, by John Blatchly; A manuscript ex-libris of Charles Scott Moncrieff, by James Shurmer; The Bibliophile Society of Boston, by Brian Schofield; Another instance of Graham Johnston's plagiarism, by Brian North Lee; Cambridge triple border typographic labels, by John Blatchly; The Honourable Artillery Company, by Paul Latcham.  REVIEW: by Simon Brett of Brian North Lee, The bookplates of Richard Shirley Smith.

  New Series Vol 5 No 1 (March 2007):
ARTICLES: Two London bookplate engravers c1730-60: Charles Gardner and John Clark, by John Blatchly; The bookplates of the Winn family of Nostell Priory and the Strickland family of Boynton Hall, by Edward Potten; Five Irish woodcut Chippendale armorials, by Brian North Lee.
NOTES: Allbutt and Rolleston, by Brian Schofield; Close shaved: bookplates of Richard Vevers, by Geoffrey Vevers; Sir Philip Monoux, Bart, by Paul Latcham; The large armorials of Boycott and Greenway, by John Blatchly; A Leach trophy armorial, by Paul Latcham; Birkenhead 1914, by Brian Schofield; Adrian Fortescue, by Paul Latcham; Henricus Gaudy 1665, by John Blatchly; Sir Thomas North Dick Lauder, by Ron Fiske; A trade card in the trophy style, by Paul Latcham; Bookplates by Frederick Rolfe, Baron Corvo, by Brian Welch; A volume from John Foster's library at Collon, co. Louth, by John Blatchly; Culleton, heraldic stationer, by Ron Fiske; Irish Jacobeans III, by Paul Latcham.  ADDRESS: by John Blatchly at the funeral of Brian North Lee FSA (1936-2007).

  New Series Vol 5 No 2 (September 2007):
ARTICLES: William Bowley of Shrewsbury, by Paul Latcham; Bookplate of the Scots College, Paris, by Alastair Cherry; Some recent bookplates, by Simon Brett; Bookplates in an Irish provincial library, by Edward Law; The bookplate collection of the American Antiquarian Society, by Georgia Brady Barnhill.
NOTES: A unique Charles I Bible plate, by Brian North Lee; Putland arms, by Paul Latcham; Bookplates in fiction, by John Blatchly; Edwin Davis French: letter to a client 1901, by John Titford; Two bookplates by Tom Greeves, by Bryan Welch; Two ex-libris by Nicolas McDowell, by Brian N. Lee; Evans of Headcorn and Ruyton: a family of clerics, by Paul Latcham; Ernest Gimson's book label for his brother Sydney, by John Blatchly; Chatty bookplates, by Paul Latcham; Bookplates by Frederick Rolfe, Baron Corvo, by Robert Scoble; A punning musical book label, by John Blatchly; W.H.K. Wright: a relic of his editorship of the Ex Libris Journal, by Paul Latcham; Norfolk and Devon origins, by John Blatchly; James Rock, herald, by Brian North Lee; Rex Whistler, by James Wilson; The bookplate of Cecil Rhodes, by Bryan Welch.
REVIEW: by Edward Potten of Coppens, Derez and Rougiers, Leuven University Library 1425-2000.  OBITUARY: Brian North Lee FSA (1936-2007), by Paul Latcham.

  New Series Vol 6 No 1 (March 2008):
ARTICLES: The Brownlowes and Custs of Belton House, Lincolnshire, and their bookplates, by Peter Hoare; Thomas Oughtibridge (c1702-1756) engraver of Hatfield, near Doncaster, and London, by John Blatchly.
NOTES: H. Bowdler: two watercolour ex-libris, by Paul Latcham; The Inspector General of Insane, by Bryan Welch; Daniel Beaumont's ex-libris economies, by John Blatchly; Tilly Kettle, portrait painter, and Nathaniel Kettle, engraver, by Paul Latcham; Did Sterne have a bookplate? by Bryan Welch; Bookplates from the antique: C.J. Shoppee, Sir T.N. Dick Lauder, et al., by Ron Fiske; A Michael Burghers discovery at Helmingham, by John Blatchly; Another plate by Culleton, by Paul Latcham; The bookplate of R. Effinguer de Wildek, by Bryan Welch; An E.D. French label for authors' signatures, by John Blatchly; Angus Watson's chosen quotation, by Paul Latcham; Ducarel and his bookplates, by Robin Myers; A note on mottoes, by Brian North Lee; Irish Jacobeans IV: Major Ralph Whitfeld, by Paul Latcham; Richard Wilk[e]s (1691-1760), by Paul Latcham; Albert L. Ochs bookplate by Harrison, by John Titford; Skinner the glover, by Paul Latcham; William Dansey, by Paul Latcham.

  New Series Vol 6 No 2 (September 2008):
ARTICLES: Jacob Skinner and William Hibbart of Bath, by John Blatchly; Ex-libris of William Stewart Bishop of Aberdeen, by Alastair Cherry; Bookplates and Chinese armorial porcelain, by Paul Latcham; Square fleuron-bordered labels from Cambridge and Bury St Edmunds, by John Blatchly.
NOTES: Arthur Troyte Griffith: Elgar's Enigma no. VII, by Paul Latcham; Brownlowes and Custs, by Peter Allpress; Charles Stewart Rolls and Hugh Oswald Short, by Bryan Welch; Blayney and other Baldwyns, by John Blatchly; E. D. French's joke, by Paul Latcham; Some Mussett addenda, by Brian Schofield; Puttem doon, by Paul Latcham; A posthumous book label, by Bryan Welch; A dedication plate by Stephens, by John Blatchly; Anonymous crest plate of Thomas Moule, by Bryan Welch; Bookplates in China, by Peter Ford; William Chambers and his lost portrait, by Paul Latcham; Harriet Bowdler, by Paul Latcham; William Blake adapted to a bookplate, by John Blatchly; Thomas Child of Massachusetts, by Paul Latcham.

  New Series Index to Volumes 1 to 6
Paul Latcham wrote: The need to start work on an index was very much in my mind from early on in my tenure as editor of the Bookplate Journal. Eventually Hilary Marshall answered an appeal for help. The Bookplate Society owes a debt of gratitude to Hilary for the considerable effort she has put into a very time consuming job. It is nothing less than a valiant effort on Hilary's part that has enabled the publication of this splendid index. I am full of gratitude for her dedication and skill.

  New Series Vol 7 No 1 (March 2009):
ARTICLES and NOTES: Compiled by John Blatchly and Jim Shurmer: Gleeson White: His Brief Life; Gleeson White: His Last Essay; Reprint of the [British Book-plates section of the] Special Winter-Number of The Studio, 1898-9; Bookplates by and for Gleeson White; Bookplates by Artists and Designers mentioned but not illustrated in the Special Winter-Number; Artists covered in Gleeson White's bookplate articles in The Studio 1893-1897: Index of Artists and Designers in the Special Winter-Number; Advertisements in the Special Winter-Number.

  New Series Vol 7 No 2 (September 2009):
A tribute to Paul Latcham, by Colin Lattimore. ARTICLES: William Milton Engraver of Bristol, by John Blatchly; Some British bookplates made for use overseas , by Brian North Lee; William Henry Toms, Engraver and Copper-plate Printer, by Edward Potten; E.D. French's bookplate for the Union League Club, by Bryan Welch.
NOTES: Charlton of Ludford, by Paul Latcham; Winifred Lindsay Scott's manuscript ex-libris, by Paul Latcham; Irish Jacobeans V, by Paul Latcham; Jacob Skinner in London and more on his Bath period, by John Blatchly; Discovering Mr Baker, by Brian Schofield; The Frederick Starr collection of Mexican bookplates, by Bryan Welch; More on the bookplate of Hugh Oswald Short, by Bryan Welch; Caroline Newton's bookplate, by John Blatchly; The Wedgwood Library, by Peter Allpress; The Society's Summer Outing, by Geoffrey Vevers.

  New Series Vol 8 No 1 (March 2010):
ARTICLES My Ladye Nevells Booke, by John Harley; Some Aspects of Ecclesiastical Heraldry, by Peter Allpress; John Ames: Bristol engraver before and after 1800, by John Blatchly; Bookplates and labels in Anthony Trollope's library, by Bryan Welch; Bookplates reflecting the Gothic Revival in England, by Brian North Lee.
NOTES: Andrew Knox's bookplate printed in two colours, by Paul Latcham; The Trollope Society, by Peter Youatt; A neo-romantic bookplate by Keith Vaughan, by Clive Parkinson; The Calvanistic Methodists, by Peter Allpress; The bookplate of Rider Haggard and other heiroglyphic plates, by Bryan Welch; An unusual freebie, by Peter Youatt; Two bookplates of Heralds , by Peter Youatt; Ladies of Penzance, by Brian Schofield; Rare ink impressions of gilt-stamps, by John Blatchly; Betham origins, by John Blatchly; More Hobart armorials at Blickling, by John Blatchly; Toxteth Congregational PSA, by Peter Allpress.

  New Series Vol 8 No 2 (September 2010):
ARTICLES: Strawberry Hill Bookplates, by Bryan Welch; J.R. Granville Exley, by Celia H. Austin; George Bailey of Derby (1832-1925), by John Blatchly; Bookplates in Arundel Castle, by Peter Youatt.
NOTES: The Earliest Bookplate, by John Blatchly; Aubrey George Spencer, by Douglas Quick; London Orphan Asylum, by Peter Allpress; Lesley Lewis FSA, by Brian Schofield; Hunt of Walsham-le-Willows, Suffolk, by John Blatchly; Some Edinburgh Bookplates, by Peter Allpress; A Chippendale armorial for Joseph Pote (III) F23898, by John Blatchly.

  New Series Vol 9 No 1 (Spring 2011):
ARTICLES: Ex Libris of Peter Stephen Du Ponceau, by W.E. Butler; Matthias Darly and the Macaroni Print Shop, by John Blatchly; Two bookplate challenges: Barlow/Browne and Browne/Willymott/Rustat, by John Titford; The library and bookplate of Sir Richard Francis Burton, by Bryan Welch.
NOTES: W.F. Hopson: plates numbered 1 and 201, by John Titford; William Hopson having some fun... , by John Titford; Caltrops, by Peter Allpress; An elusive bookpile rediscovered, by Anthony Pincott; Stamford printed keepsakes and booklabels, by John Blatchly; Double Agents, by Bryan Welch; A bookplate by the Gregynog Press, by Michael Whitelock; Miss Haskoll's leather label, by John Blatchly; K.S.C. Premium bookplate, by Peter Allpress; Beamsley Hospital Chapel, by John Blatchly; Upstairs, Downstairs, by Bryan Welch; A query answered, by Peter Youatt; Ashley and Ashby, by John Blatchly; Josef Váchal, by Martin Hopkinson.
REVIEW: by John Blatchly: Martin Hopkinson, Ex Libris: The Art of Bookplates.

  New Series Vol 9 No 2 (Autumn 2011):
ARTICLES: Did Linley Sambourne design any bookplates? by Bryan Welch; Florence Amy Clarke: a privileged and discerning short-term collector, by John Blatchly; A Wodehouse bookplate and its designer, by WE. Butler; Bookplates in the library of the Middle Temple, by Renae Satterley; William Ewart Gladstone: from the Temple of Peace to the Gladstone Library, by Bryan Welch; Stanley Reece bookplate designer and artist, by Peter Youatt.
NOTES: Darly Addenda, by John Blatchly; Thomas Oughtibridge/Barlow/Browne, by John Titford; The bookplates of Edmund Blampied, by Andrew Hall; An Anglo-American book label: David Hoffman, by W.E. Butler; Some railway bookplates and personalities, by Peter Allpress; Some Gothic Revival bookplates, by Peter Allpress; Paul Lemperley label by Edwin Davis French, by John Titford.

  New Series Vol 10 No 1 (Spring 2012):
ARTICLES: Mary Watts' bookplate for her husband George Frederick Watts, by Bryan Welch; Daniel de Bruin (1950-2010), by Jim McCready; Peter Ford: Brave New World, by Benoît Junod; Ian Fleming - book collector, by Bryan Welch; The Il'in bookplate by E.E. Klimoff, by W.E. Butler.
NOTES: T. Sturge Moore's personal plate, by Stephen Pochin; The bookplate of G.A. Gripenberg, by Antti Matikkala; The Gregynog Press, by Michael Whitelock; Book Tokens and bookplates, by John Blatchly; Book labels by Michael Russem, by W.E. Butler; Robert Bigsby, Orlando Jewitt and George Bailey, by Peter Allpress; A bookplate for a Scottish Pursuivant, by Peter Youatt; Elizabeth Le Roy Emmet's bookplate by Philippa Swinnerton Hughes, by Bryan Welch; Will the real Henry Eustace McCulloh stand up, please, by John Titford; The Passmore Edwards Settlement, by Peter Allpress; Amy Clarke afterthoughts, by John Blatchly; Chippendale label with unusual adornments, by John Blatchly; Harman by Exley, by John Titford; A well-qualified Norfolk Surgeon's label, by John Blatchly; Isaac Banister sugar factor of Bristol, by John Blatchly; Francis Hoffman headpiece, by John Blatchly; Edward Fitzgerald - book collector? by Bryan Welch; Mementos of Ramsay Macdonald, by Bryan Welch; A bookplate recycled, by John Titford; Symond Fiske, by John Blatchly. REVIEWS: by W.E. Butler of Kat Ran Press, Eric Gill, Notes of postage stamps; Tomasko, Ray Safford - Rare Bookman.

  New Series Vol 10 No 2 (Autumn 2012):
ARTICLES: The bookplates of Graham Rust, by Peter Youatt; Jessie M. King, by Colin White; Bookplates of Catherine the Great, by W.E. Butler; Bookplates of British artist Keith Vaughan, by Anthony Pincott.
NOTES: Another Bonaparte bookplate, by Douglas Quick; Hartley A. Williams or 'H.A.W.', by Paul Latcham; Ipswich French Library, by John Blatchly; John Simpson's ex libris, by Paul Latcham; Some new Wodehousean bookplates, by W.E. Butler; Review of an Exhibition, by W.E. Butler; In memoriam Jem Wilyman (1942-2012) by John Titford and Paul Latcham; Fortieth Anniversary photograph.

  New Series Vol 11 No 1 (Spring 2013):
ARTICLES: What is an Ex-Libris? Reflections on the FISAE definition, by W.E. Butler; Brian North Lee, by John Blatchly; The Art of German bookplates, by Heinz Decker.
NOTES: A victim of the Titanic disaster, by Peter Allpress; Another Titanic connection, by Peter Youatt; Three Spring Casborne plates and a label, by John Blatchly; Bookplates from Doctors' Commons, by John Titford; Vaughan's linocut for Peter Meyer, by Anthony Pincott; In memoriam James Ley Wilson (1920-2012), by Paul Latcham. REVIEW: by Jim Shurmer: Andrew G. Peake, Bookplate Artists and their Bookplates.

  New Series Vol 11 No 2 (Autumn 2013):
ARTICLES: Translated into English and with extensive added illustrations, the Introduction to Dr Ilse O'Dell's Deutsche und Österreichische Exlibris 1500-1599; Franks as a Bookplate Collector, by Brian North Lee; 'A Coterie of Collectors' - the misleading allusion, by Anthony Pincott.
NOTES: Irish Jacobeans VI, by Paul Latcham; Some bookplates associated with Belmont Abbey and the Phillipps Library, by Peter Allpress; Thomas Sturge Moore: The Pye sisters' pictorials located, by John Blatchly; A newly discovered Bartolozzi pictorial, by John Blatchly.
REVIEW: by Geoffrey Vevers: Stephen Pochin, Evolution Volume Two. A Fearful Asymmetry. The Peculiar Stylistic Innovations of an Edwardian Symbolist.[Austin O. Spare].

  New Series Vol 12 No 1 (Spring 2014):
ARTICLES: Reg Boulton (1923-2012), by W.E. Butler; Armorial bookplates in twentieth century Finland, by Antti Matikkala; Armorial bookplates by Gustaf von Numers, by Antti Matikkala; Lord Ronald Gower - aristocrat and artist, by Bryan Welch; Henry Yates, goldsmith and engraver of bookplates, by John Blatchly;
Austin & Son, Regency-era wood-engravers, by Alastair M. Johnston.
NOTES: Donaldson's Hospital and The Guild of Saint John Beverley, by Peter Allpress; Rowland Hill, by John Blatchly; Stanley Reece bookplate designer and artist, by Peter Youatt.

  New Series Vol 12 No 2 (Autumn 2014):
ARTICLES: Two friends Lord Sheffield and Edward Gibbon, by Bryan Welch; Roy Cooney, hydrographer, engraver, miniaturist and artist, by Peter Youatt; Some Old Visiting Cards, by John Blatchly; Lambeth Palace Library and its Friends and some related bookplates; by Peter Youatt.
NOTES: Counterslip Sugar House, by Peter Allpress; Austin Dobson: a poem by a bookplate - and two bookplates! by Thomas Lloyd; Heinz Koeppler (1933-1979), by Bryan Welch; Le Chevalier Blackwell, by John Blatchly; A trade card used as a bookplate; Dublin meeting, report by Peter McGowan.
REVIEWS: by William Butler: Anna Nyburg, From Leipzig to London: The Life and Works of the Emigré Artist Hellmuth Weissenborn; by William Butler: Isabelle de Conihout, On Ten New Groliers: Jean Grolier's First Library and His Ownership Marks Before 1540; by Peter Youatt: Giles Mandelbrote and Willem de Bruijn (Ed.), The Arcadian Library: Bindings and Provenance.

  New Series Vol 13 No 1 (Spring 2015):
ARTICLES: A Serendipitous Acquisition, by Paul Ruxin; Robert Louis Stevenson and Samuel Lloyd Osbourne their partnership and their bookplates, by Bryan Welch; Edwin Davis French: A Celebration, by John Titford; The bookplates of Enid Marx, by Peter Youatt; John Evelyn and bookplates, by Bryan Welch; Dating the Evelyn bookplate, by Anthony Pincott.
NOTES: Richard Beatniffe, by John Blatchly; Trefusis bookplates, by John Blatchly; Charles Bradlaugh MP, by Bryan Welch; A Rous and a Stradbroke Achievement, by John Blatchly; Obituaries of Alec Brian Schofield (1930-2014), by Anthony Pincott, and of Peter Lionel Allpress (1911-2014), by Paul Latcham.
REVIEW: by W.E. Butler: Charles Sidney Stitz (ed.), Australian Book Collectors.

  New Series Vol 13 No 2 (Autumn 2015):
ARTICLES: More notes on Bonaparte bookplates, by Douglas Quick; Some reflections on design, by Brian Webb; Caxton's Boethius: the pedigree of the John Rylands Library's copy, by Bryan Welch; On Prize Bookplates, by W.E. Butler; Commemorating John Couch Adams, by Dr Sophie Defrance and Bryan Welch.
NOTES: A further note on John Evelyn and bookplates, by Paul Grinke; A Nawab's ex libris, by Oliver Everett; Johannes Cook M.D., by Paul Latcham; Mary Gibbs and Margaret Jeffreys, by Paul Latcham; A prodigy's progress, by Bruce Robertson; Brocklehurst bookplates, by Anthony Pincott; A most remarkable woman, by John Blatchly; Richard Daston Esqr of Isleham, by John Blatchly; Between Milton and Ames, by John Blatchly; A tail piece, by Peter Youatt.

  New Series Vol 14 No 1 (Spring 2016):
ARTICLES: William Shakespeare portrayed in bookplates, by Heinz Decker; The collector, the custodian, by Celine Luppo McDaid; Portraits of Provenance: Bookplates at the Rosenbach of the Free Library of Philadelphia, by Alexander Lawrence Ames; International treaties, heraldic seals and bookplates: John Adams and John Quincy Adams, by W.E. Butler.
NOTE: The economic decline of empires: bookplates for three generations of the de la Rue family, by Bryan Welch.

  New Series Vol 14 No 2 (Autumn 2016):
ARTICLES: Bookplates of Lord Byron, by Bryan Welch; William Shakespeare enacted on bookplates, by Heinz Decker; Interconnections: Talwin Morris, Alice Morris and Ernest Marsh, by Christopher Jordan; Bookpile rarities rediscovered, by Anthony Pincott; The Royall bookplate, slavery, and Harvard Law School, by W.E. Butler.

  New Series Vol 15 No 1 (Spring 2017):
ARTICLES: Charles Townley's bookplate or visiting card? by J.A. Hilton and Bryan Welch; Another bookplate by Enid Marx: a competition and an exhibition, by Peter Youatt; Mark Bury - designer and craftsman, by Peter Youatt; The Jacob (James) Bruce bookplate: a Russian ex libris incunabulum, by W.E. Butler; Mrs F.D.R.'s bookplate [Eleanor Roosevelt], by Alexander Lawrence Ames; Bookplates in books: handbooks for provenance studies, by W.E. Butler.
NOTES: Bookplates for Marguerite and Richard Dorment, by Bryan Welch; Approaching 'fine art' [J.D.H. Catleugh's bookplate by Scottie Wilson] by Anthony Pincott; Ex libris of John Sadler, by Peter Youatt; Graham Charles Lay (1960-2016), by Peter Youatt. REVIEWS: by Bryan Welch: Frazer and Langsdale, His Hands Magic'. Michael Renton (1934-2001); by Anthony Pincott: Roger Jones, Bookplates - Image and story.

  New Series Vol 15 No 2 (Autumn 2017):
ARTICLES: Why collect bookplates? by Bryan Welch; Collecting ex libris: some international aspects, by W.E. Butler; Are bookplates art? by Peter Ford; Books and Birds: ornithological bookplates and their makers, by Robert McCracken Peck; Identifying English bookplates, with Appendix I, The Toolbox - A guide to resources, and Appendix II, Methodology for identifying bookplate owners, by Anthony Pincott; Bookplate identification: an aid to provenance in a current research project, by Danijela Bucher; Kind hearts and coronets, by John Titford; Book history and the bookplate: opportunities for future collaboration, by Edward Potten; Welcome back home, Jane! by Janine Barchas; Collecting: eBay - tool or terror? by Bruce Robertson; report on Lambeth Palace visit.

  New Series Vol 16 No 1 (Spring 2018):
ARTICLES: The Genesis of the Ex Libris Society, by Anthony Pincott; W.H.K. Wright (1844-1915); The Book-Plate Collector's Miscellany 1890-91 (preceded by supplementary notes). [The theme of this issue is bookplate collecting in Victorian times prior to the formation of the Ex Libris Society. Wright's Miscellany was his precursor to the Ex Libris Journal.]


  New Series Vol 16 No 2 (Autumn 2018):
ARTICLES: Bookplates in Brazil, by Luiz F P Stelling; Harry Soane's heraldic fantasies for Henry Peckitt; Crudes in colour; Obituary: Paul Latcham (1936-2018) by Thomas Lloyd; Buchinger's quaint micrographic ex-libris; Philip Oldfield's index to anonymous bookplates in the Franks Collection.



  New Series Vol 17 No 1 (Spring 2019) and subsequent issues:
This whole 80-page issue is devoted to the work of black-and-white artist Harold Nelson (1871-1948). MAILED BY PRINTER ON 21 MARCH 2025 (EXCEPT USA, SENT BY DHL 24 MARCH FOR MAILING BY USPS).

In preparation is a journal with focus on bookplates of the seventeenth century and into the first years of the eighteenth century. Another journal will provide a sequence of dated British bookplates, one or more for every year of the 18th century. Accompanying text will explain the evolution of styles.
A similar journal for dated bookplates of the 19th century is also in early stages of being put together.
Two journals are being devoted to the themes of Irish bookplates and Scottish bookplates.
An index to volumes 9 to 15 has been assembled, but awaits page make-up.


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