Maybe OK Agg Evesham Worcs Source: S |
Good/Usable Agricultural Scarborough Yorks Source: P |
Good/Usable Aldridge Barnet Herts Source: S |
Maybe OK AlexandriaBC Uncertain - Source: P |
Maybe OK Andrews Calcutta India Source: S |
Poor Andrews New Bond St. London Source: P |
Maybe OK Andrews 2 Calcutta India Source: P |
Maybe OK Andrews 2 New Bond St. London Source: P |
Poor Angus Aberdeen Aberdeens Source: P |
Maybe OK Apollo Worthing Sussex Source: P |
Maybe OK Argosy - London Source: P |
Poor Athenaeum Kings Lynn Norfolk Source: S |
Maybe OK Athenaeum Rochdale Lancs Source: P |
Good/Usable Bailey Cockermouth Cumberland Source: S |
Poor Bailey Regent St. London Source: P |
Maybe OK Bailey Brixton London Source: P |
Maybe OK Bailey 2 Cockermouth Cumberland Source: S |
Good/Usable Bailey 3 Cockermouth Cumberland Source: S |
Good/Usable Baily Brighton Sussex Source: S |
Good/Usable Baker Southampton Hants Source: P |
Good/Usable Bala Book Club Bala Merioneths Source: P |
Poor Bancks Manchester or Wigan Lancs Source: P |
Good/Usable Bancks Manchester Lancs Source: P |
Poor Banks Cheltenham Glos Source: S |
Poor Barber 1 Newcastle on Tyne Northumberland Source: S |
Maybe OK Barnes Bedford Beds Source: P |
Good/Usable Barratt Milson St., Bath Somerset Source: S |
Poor Barratt Bond St. London Source: P |
Poor Barton Bristol Somerset Source: P |
Poor Bates Buxton Derbys Source: P |
Poor Bates 2 Buxton Derbys Source: P |
Maybe OK Battersby Bishopsgate St. London Source: S |
Good/Usable Baugh Ellesmere Salop Source: P |
Maybe OK Baxter Jersey Channel Is. Source: P |
Poor Bemrose Wirksworth Derbys Source: S |
Good/Usable Bemrose 2 Wirksworth Derbys Source: S |
Maybe OK Benneson Southend Essex Source: S |
Good/Usable Benson Weymouth Dorset Source: S |
Maybe OK Benson 2 Weymouth Dorset Source: S |
Maybe OK Benson 3 Weymouth Dorset Source: P |
Maybe OK Berkshire Stockbridge Hants Source: S |
Good/Usable Berwick Berwick Northumberland Source: P |
Poor Bigg Parliament St. London Source: S |
Poor Blagden Winchester Hants Source: S |
Maybe OK Bliss Oxford Oxon Source: P |
Maybe OK Booth Duke St. London Source: P |
Maybe OK Booth Duke St. London Source: P |
Good/Usable Boston Boston Lincs Source: S |
Good/Usable Bowl Alley Hull Yorks Source: S |
Maybe OK Bowl Alley 2 Hull Yorks Source: P |
Good/Usable Bradford York? Yorks? Source: P |
Good/Usable Bradford Thame Oxon Source: P |
Good/Usable Bradford Bradford Yorks Source: P |
Maybe OK Bransby Ipswich Suffolk Source: S |
Good/Usable Bransby 2 Ipswich Suffolk Source: P |
Good/Usable Bredon Book Soc Uncertain - Source: P |
Maybe OK Briant Croydon Surrey Source: P |
Good/Usable Bristol Liby Soc Bristol Somerset Source: S |
Poor Bristol St Birmingham Warks Source: P |
Good/Usable Brown Norwood London Source: S |
Maybe OK Brown Windsor Berks Source: P |
Good/Usable Brown Bishops Rd. London Source: P |
Poor Brown 2 Windsor Berks Source: P |
Poor Browne Leicester Leics Source: S |
Maybe OK Brunswick Liverpool Lancs Source: P |
Maybe OK Bullhouse Book Club Near Penistone Yorks Source: S |
Maybe OK Burgess Ramsgate Kent Source: S |
Good/Usable Burgess Margate Kent Source: S |
Poor Burgess Staple Hill Glos Source: P |
Maybe OK Burgess and Hunt Ramsgate Kent Source: S |
Maybe OK Burtenshaw Dover Kent Source: S |
Good/Usable Calkin & Budd Pall Mall London Source: S |
Good/Usable Cary Shepton Mallet Somerset Source: P |
Good/Usable Chambers Tenterden Kent Source: S |
Good/Usable Chapman Cranbrook Kent Source: S |
Good/Usable Charnley Newcastle on Tyne Northumberland Source: S |
Maybe OK Church and King Bolton Lancs Source: S |
Maybe OK Church and King 2 Bolton Lancs Source: P |
Maybe OK Clerical BC South Malling Sussex Source: P |
Good/Usable Cockrem Torquay Devon Source: S |
Good/Usable Codd Gt Britain St. London Source: P |
Poor Coke Leith Midlothian Source: P |
Poor Colburn Conduit St. London Source: S |
Maybe OK Colburn 2 Conduit St. London Source: P |
Maybe OK Colegate Canterbury Kent Source: S |
Maybe OK Coleshill Book Club Coleshill Uncertain Source: P |
Good/Usable Cooke Queen St. London Source: S |
Maybe OK Cooke 2 Queen St. London Source: P |
Poor Coomes Regent St. London Source: P |
Good/Usable Coster Teignmouth Devon Source: S |
Good/Usable Crawford Brighton Sussex Source: P |
Maybe OK Crawford 2 Brighton Sussex Source: S |
Good/Usable Crockett Norwich Norfolk Source: S |
Good/Usable Crockett 2 Norwich Norfolk Source: S |
Good/Usable Crotty Vauxhall London Source: P |
Poor Crouse & Stevenson Norwich Norfolk Source: S |
Maybe OK Crowe Lowestoft Suffolk Source: S |
Poor Crowe 2 Lowestoft Suffolk Source: S |
Poor Croydon Teignmouth Devon Source: S |
Good/Usable Croydon 2 Teignmouth Devon Source: S |
Good/Usable Croydon 3 Teignmouth Devon Source: S |
Good/Usable Croydon 4 Teignmouth Devon Source: S |
Good/Usable Croydon 5 Teignmouth Devon Source: P |
Good/Usable Croydon 6 Teignmouth Devon Source: P |
Maybe OK Cupper Norwich Norfolk Source: S |
Good/Usable Curson Exeter Devon Source: S |
Maybe OK Curson 2 Exeter Devon Source: P |
Maybe OK Curson 3 Exeter Devon Source: P |
Good/Usable Day Mount St. London Source: P |
Good/Usable Dearden Nottingham Notts Source: P |
Maybe OK Delamare Romford Kent Source: S |
Poor Derby Union Soc Derby Derbys Source: P |
Good/Usable Devizes Free LL Devizes Wilts Source: P |
Good/Usable Dick Broughty Ferry Aberdeens Source: P |
Maybe OK Donaldson Brighton Sussex Source: S |
Poor Downham Downham Market Norfolk Source: S |
Good/Usable Drew Kentish Town London Source: S |
Good/Usable Drew 2 Kentish Town London Source: S |
Maybe OK Drew 2 Kentish Town London Source: P |
Poor Drew 4 Kentish Town London Source: S |
Poor Ebers Old Bond St. London Source: S |
Maybe OK Edinburgh Select SL Edinburgh Midlothian Source: P |
Good/Usable Elder Peebles Peebles Source: S |
Poor Evans Bridgnorth Salop Source: P |
Poor Evill Wells Somerset Source: P |
Maybe OK Eyvel Duffton Banffs Source: S |
Good/Usable Fagg Swansea Glam Source: S |
Maybe OK Fall Leyburn Yorks Source: S |
Poor Fisher Newcastle on Tyne Northumberland Source: S |
Maybe OK Flindall Lambeth London Source: S |
Maybe OK Force Wimborne Dorset Source: S |
Maybe OK Frome Frome Somerset Source: S |
Maybe OK Garrison Library 7 Gibraltar Gibraltar Source: S |
Poor General York Yorks Source: S |
Good/Usable Godwin Bath Somerset Source: S |
Good/Usable Gold Russell St. London Source: S |
Good/Usable Goodale Pokesdown Hants Source: P |
Maybe OK Gorton Uncertain - Source: P |
Good/Usable Gowland Romford Kent Source: S |
Poor Haldane Tottenham Ct. Rd. London Source: P |
Good/Usable Halifax Halifax Yorks Source: S |
Maybe OK Halifax 2 Halifax Yorks Source: S |
Maybe OK Halifax 3 Halifax Yorks Source: S |
Good/Usable Halifax 4 Halifax Yorks Source: P |
Maybe OK Hammond Newport USA-RI Source: P |
Good/Usable Harris Devonport Devon Source: P |
Good/Usable Harvey Weymouth Dorset Source: S |
Good/Usable Harward Cheltenham Glos Source: S |
Maybe OK Harward Tewkesbury Glos Source: P |
Good/Usable Harward 2 Cheltenham Glos Source: P |
Good/Usable Haviland Berkley St. London Source: S |
Maybe OK Heath Nottingham Notts Source: S |
Good/Usable Hellyer Ryde Isle of Wight Source: S |
Maybe OK Hertford Mutual Hertford Herts Source: S |
Good/Usable Hill Aylsham Bucks Source: S |
Poor Hodgson Gt Marylebone St. London Source: S |
Good/Usable Hodgson Norwich Norfolk Source: S |
Poor Hodgson 2 Gt Marylebone St. London Source: S |
Good/Usable Hookham (2 diff) Maddox St. London Source: S |
Poor Hookham 10 New Bond St. London Source: P |
Good/Usable Hookham 3 Maddox St. London Source: S |
Maybe OK Hookham 4 New Bond St. London Source: S |
Good/Usable Hookham 5 Old Bond St. London Source: S |
Poor Hookham 6 New Bond St. London Source: S |
Maybe OK Hookham 7 New Bond St. London Source: P |
Poor Hookham 8 New Bond St. London Source: P |
Maybe OK Horsey Portsea Hants Source: S |
Maybe OK Huddersfield SL Huddersfield Yorks Source: P |
Good/Usable Humble Newcastle on Tyne Northumberland Source: P |
Maybe OK Humphry Chichester Sussex Source: S |
Good/Usable Humphry 2 Chichester Sussex Source: P |
Poor Hunnock Norwich Norfolk Source: S |
Good/Usable Hunt Ramsgate Kent Source: S |
Maybe OK Ireland Leicester Leics Source: P |
Good/Usable Ironbridge Ironbridge Salop Source: S |
Good/Usable Isle of Shepp(e)y Sheerness? Kent Source: S |
Maybe OK Isola Cambridge ? Cambs Source: S |
Poor Jarman Ramsgate Kent Source: S |
Good/Usable Jenkins Bristol Somerset Source: S |
Poor Jufroy Middleham Yorks Source: P |
Good/Usable Keith SL Keith Banffs Source: P |
Good/Usable Kelham Chelmsford Essex Source: P |
Good/Usable Keymer Colchester Essex Source: S |
Poor Kirkconel Workington Cumberland Source: S |
Poor Kirkconel 2 Workington Cumberland Source: S |
Maybe OK Kitton Norwich Norfolk Source: S |
Good/Usable Knight Reading Berks Source: S |
Good/Usable Lampard Cliftonville Sussex/Kent Source: P |
Maybe OK Lane Clifton Somerset Source: S |
Poor Lane Norwich Norfolk Source: P |
Good/Usable Lane 2 Clifton Somerset Source: S |
Good/Usable Langley Teignmouth Devon Source: S |
Good/Usable Lankester Bury St Edmunds Suffolk Source: P |
Maybe OK Laurence Bedford Beds Source: S |
Poor Leigh Abergele Denbighs Source: P |
Poor Leigh 2 Abergele Denbighs Source: P |
Maybe OK Liverpool 2 Liverpool Lancs Source: S |
Poor Liverpool Lib Liverpool Lancs Source: P |
Good/Usable Liverpool Library Liverpool Lancs Source: S |
Maybe OK Loder Woodbridge Suffolk Source: S |